“She married him to get away from the noise of Santa Fe railroad engines” They said. That was the rumor about the Burge couple, Ms. McCall and Mr. McCall. She was tall, thin with black hair parted in the middle and smoothed down on each side. He, however wasn’t like her, he was a short, heavy set man with a loud voice, with disgusting habits and an even more disgusting mouth.
They lived together unpleasantly for three years and four months. For a year and two months, Burge McCall didn’t like the way his life looked at him. Their relationship was very complicated. Burge was very stingy with his wife and Ms. McCall had a very weird reactions(מיותר) to the extrem violence of her husband. Sometimes Burge called Ms. McCall names but she didn’t answer, she just looked at him in the way he disliked. There was one special time when Burge slapped his wife on the face, his wife just wiped the place he slapped her and said:”McCall, you are a big rat. Some day you will regret what you have done”. Burge didn’t understand the reaction; he thought she would throw the iron at him. No one really got it, why didn’t they divorse?!
One day, Burge entered Ms. McCall brothers’ drug store, and her brother told him she had bought some rat poison this morning to poison a big rat. Burge got scared and thought she wanted to poison him. So, he decided to treat Ms. McCall gently. He quit liquor; he started to eat outside the house, so Ms. McCall didn’t have to cook. Eventually, Burge decided to keep her close to him. He took her to picnics and movies; he even bought her a sealskin coat. At the end, he looked at her eyes and noticed they were smiling at him and called her honey.
At the end, Burge died and his wife openly shed tears. They fell in love in the part that they started “dating” again. Venita’s brother never understood why she told him to tell Burge that she had bought rat poison. It is a very special and emotional story. Everyone can learn something from it, eventually I can add that Venita was smart too, and Burge had love in his heart.