I assume you all read about what happened in the teen bar for gays and lesbians. However, if you don’t know, I shall remind you. On the 1st of August, men broke into the teen bar and shoot everywhere, there were 2 murdered and 4 hurt teens, when one of the murdered teens was Liz , from Holon, that just wanted to support gay rights.
I actually heard of this quite late. I was talking on Msn Messenger with a few friends. One of them told me that there was a terrorist attack (or just a “normal” attack) in Tel Aviv. I thought that it’s just another attack and even didn’t bother to check it. About 15 minutes later I searched on the net for something, I can’t remember what it was; eventually I saw the article and decided to read. When I noticed that it was in the teen bar, my heart skipped a beat; I picked up the phone and called all my friends to check if they are alright. Of course I got a few calls too, and it’s nice to know that someone cared about you at that moment. It got even more horrible when I discovered, that Liz died, she was a friend of mine.
I know a lot of gays that are in the closet or out of it, and they can say that getting out of the closet is a relief, but it’s hard, and it is a process, a long one and a painful one. When I was 14 I had my first boyfriend, a cute and lovely, you know, first love. With it, it was hard because we both were in the closet, and it just failed. That period was full of self mercy and depressions, and maybe some repression. But when I got used to the idea that I’m gay, or at least love boys too, I started telling my friends and got a lot of positive responses. My friends accepted my nicely, even very nicely and this days I’m not a shame of being gay or something and I feel great, I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, and I admit I still love girls somewhere, but it’s just another great thing, I enjoy both worlds. Of course my parents don’t know, and I hope they will not know till I tell them.
So, the purpose of this was showing you the gay world a little. Maybe you knew it, maybe not, but eventually ,we all different and it’s a good thing.
I know it quite not what you asked for, and I’m sorry for the 500 words, but I think it’s better than writing a short essay without saying a anything, and the picture in Hebrew because I couldn’t find a English one.